


Interface EDMUserOrGroup

  • All Superinterfaces:EDMContextDependent, EDMData

    All Known Subinterfaces:EDMGroup, EDMUser

    public interface EDMUserOrGroup
    extends EDMData

    Base interface for EDM Database users and groups


    • Method Detail

      • create

        void create()
             throws EdmiException

        Create user or group using name and context for this wrapper

        Throws:EdmiException - If the method fails.

      • isUser

        boolean isUser()

        check if this object is a user or a group

        Returns:true if object is a user

      • isGroup

        boolean isGroup()

        check if this object is a user or a group

        Returns:true if object is a group

      • delete

        void delete()
             throws EdmiException

        Delete this user or group from EDM database

        Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • equals

        boolean equals(EDMUserOrGroup other)
                throws EdmiException

        Compare to another user or group

        Parameters:other - the other user/groupReturns:true if the object represents the same user or groupThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails