


Interface EDMWorkerFactory

  • public interface EDMWorkerFactory

    The EDMFactory supplies methods for creating EDOM3 objects, and is the only place you can do so. To create your own subclasses of EDOM3 object you will need to override implementation of this class as well. We do notadvise you to such operations unless you are certain of what you are doing.
    • Method Detail

      • getCheckin

        EDMCheckin getCheckin(EDMData source,
                              EDMData target)
                       throws EdmiException

        Creates an EDMCheckin object

        Parameters:source - where check in data from, null OK if assigned later.target - where data is checked in to, null OK if assigned later.Returns:the created EDMCheckin objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getCheckout

        EDMCheckout getCheckout(EDMData source,
                                EDMData target)
                         throws EdmiException

        Creates an EDMCheckout object

        Parameters:source - where to find data to check out, null OK if assigned later.target - where to download to, null OK if assigned later.Returns:the created EDMCheckout objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getDownload

        EDMDownload getDownload(EDMData source,
                                EDMData target)
                         throws EdmiException

        Creates an EDMDownload object

        Parameters:source - which data to download, null OK if assigned later.target - where to download to, null OK if assigned later.Returns:the created EDMDownload objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getExpressCompiler

        EDMCompiler getExpressCompiler()
                                throws EdmiException

        Creates a EDMExpressCompiler object. The compiler will by default create no complex entity definitions in the appropriate dictionary model. This setting will be overruled by a call to standardComplexHandling() or fullComplexHandling(). The compiler will also asume that the Express schema(ta) in its original form will be stored in the EDMdatabase. This can be avoided by clearing option STORING_SOURCE Input "file" can contain commas or wildcards to compile a list of files. If more than one file is specified, delimit each file name with a comma.  The wild card character "*" is also a permitted character in a filename. The default file extension is ".exp". Diagnostic_file is written to worker systemOutput. If no file name is supplied, i.e. the diagnosticFile argument is set to null, all diagnostic information will be written to the stdout i.e. the console.

        Returns:A EDMExpressCompiler object.Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getExpressXCompiler

        EDMCompiler getExpressXCompiler()
                                 throws EdmiException

        Creates a EDMExpressXCompiler object.

        Returns:A CExpressCompiler object.Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getQueryCompiler

        EDMCompiler getQueryCompiler()
                              throws EdmiException

        Creates an EDMQueryCompiler object.

        Returns:an EDMQueryCompiler object.Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getRuleCompiler

        EDMCompiler getRuleCompiler()
                             throws EdmiException

        Creates an EDMRuleCompiler object.

        Returns:an EDMRuleCompiler object.Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getMerger

        EDMMerger getMerger(EDMData source,
                            EDMData target)
                     throws EdmiException

        Get a model merger

        Parameters:source - where to fetch data from, null OK if assigned later.target - where to place converted data, null OK if assigned later.Returns:A EDMMerger object.Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getLongformGenerator

        EDMCompiler getLongformGenerator()
                                  throws EdmiException

        Creates a EDMLongformGenerator object. The longform generator supports both traditional EXPRESS longform generation and a simple EXPRESS-X longform generation. In both cases the resulting longform schema(ta) will be written to the file specified by the "userOutput" attribute. Default schema type is EXP. Use "setSchemaType" method to use for other types.

        Returns:A EDMExpressCompiler object.Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getQuery

        EDMQuery getQuery(EDMData source,
                          EDMData target)
                   throws EdmiException

        Creates an EDMQuery object.

        Parameters:source - where to fetch data from, null OK if assigned later.target - where to place found data, null OK if assigned later.Returns:the created EDMQuery objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getSelectInstances

        EDMSelectInstances getSelectInstances(EDMData source,
                                              EDMData target)
                                       throws EdmiException

        Creates an EDMSelectInstances object

        Parameters:source - where to fetch data from, null OK if assigned later.target - where to place found data, null OK if assigned later.Returns:the created EDMSelectInstances objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getUpload

        EDMUpload getUpload(EDMData source,
                            EDMData target)
                     throws EdmiException

        Creates an EDMUpload object

        Parameters:source - where to upload data from, null OK if assigned later.target - where data is uploaded to, null OK if assigned later.Returns:the created EDMUpload objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getValidator

        EDMValidator getValidator()
                           throws EdmiException

        Get an EDMValidate object

        Returns:the created EDMValidate objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getWebService

        EDMWebService getWebService(EDMData source,
                                    EDMData target)
                             throws EdmiException

        Get an EDMWebService wrapper object

        Parameters:source - the data sourcetarget - the targetReturns:the created EDMWebService objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails