


Interface EDMLogger

  • All Superinterfaces:EDMLogDescription

    public interface EDMLogger
    extends EDMLogDescription

    This interface defines a EDM logger. There are several types, most common is the "trace" and the "expression log".

    See Also:EDMLocal.getEDMExpressionLog(), EDMInterface.getEDMTrace()

    • Method Detail

      • start

        void start()
            throws EdmiException

        Start or restart a log.

        Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails.

      • stop

        void stop()
           throws EdmiException

        Temporarily stop the log.

        Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails.

      • close

        void close()
            throws EdmiException

        Close the log.

        Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails.

      • write

        void write(java.lang.String s)
            throws EdmiException

        Write a user supplied string to the log, OBS: not possible for all log types.

        Parameters:s - string to writeThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails.

      • running

        boolean running()
                 throws EdmiException

        Check if the log is running.

        Returns:true if the log is running, false if not.Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails.