


Class EDMConstants.WebServiceConfig

  • java.lang.Object
    • edm.edom3.EDMConstants.WebServiceConfig
  • Enclosing interface:EDMConstants

    public static class EDMConstants.WebServiceConfig
    extends java.lang.Object

    Configuration variables for the EDMWebservices JAVA webapp. The variables are defined in the webapp web.xml file. Note: use the constant value (lower case), not the constant name (upper case) as parameter name in the web.xml file. NOTE: This list does only describe a subset of the configuration parameters!
    • Field Summary


      Modifier and TypeField and Description
      static java.lang.StringALWAYS_WRITE_ACCESS
      "on" enforces all queries to run in as Write (Write Transaction).
      static java.lang.StringCONDITIONAL_WRITE_ACCESS
      States queries to be run as Write (Write Transaction).
      static java.lang.StringDEFAULT_LOGIN_GROUP
      If set used as for group part of login if not given by user
      static java.lang.StringDEFAULT_QUERY_PATH
      If set used as for "rep/mod/QEX/QuerySchema" part when using shortcut for webservice.
      static java.lang.StringDEFAULT_QUERY_URL
      If set used as "shortcut" in the webservice URL for "/rep/mod/QEX/QuerySchema/" part.
      static java.lang.StringENFORCE_LITERAL_ENCODING
      If set assume literal style option (option_xxxxx) always given in URL
      static java.lang.StringINCLUDE_EDM_FUNCTIONS
      If set to "on" includes the LoginServlet functions in a query schema.
      static java.lang.StringLOG_COUNTER_LIMIT
      Integer value stating max # of log writes in a log fie before rotating logs.
      static java.lang.StringLOG_ERR_COUNTER_LIMIT
      Integer value stating max # of log write errors before log write is disabled.
      static java.lang.StringLOG_ROTATION_LIMIT
      Integer value stating max # of log file to rotate through.
      static java.lang.StringLOG_TO_CONSOLE
      "on" enforces log to console window.
      static java.lang.StringLOG_TO_FILE
      "on" enforces log to file.
      static java.lang.StringNEVER_WRITE_ACCESS
      "on" enforces all queries to run without enclosing Transaction.
    • Constructor Summary


      Constructor and Description
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String LOG_TO_CONSOLE

        "on" enforces log to console window.

        See Also:Constant Field Values

      • LOG_TO_FILE

        public static final java.lang.String LOG_TO_FILE

        "on" enforces log to file. Log file location is under the webapp "EDMLogs" directory. Filename is "edmws_tomcat_log_index.txt.

        See Also:Constant Field Values


        public static final java.lang.String LOG_COUNTER_LIMIT

        Integer value stating max # of log writes in a log fie before rotating logs. When logging to file a new file is used every time log.counter.limit log entries are written. If the file exists it is rewritten. The number of files are controlled by log.rotation.limit

        See Also:Constant Field Values


        public static final java.lang.String LOG_ERR_COUNTER_LIMIT

        Integer value stating max # of log write errors before log write is disabled. If there is an error on opening a log file the logger will try to rotate to next file next time logger is activated. After log.err.counter.limit attempts the logger will stop trying to reopen new files

        See Also:Constant Field Values


        public static final java.lang.String LOG_ROTATION_LIMIT

        Integer value stating max # of log file to rotate through. When logger have written first file filename1full it will close the file and start writing to next file filename2. When limit is reached logger will restart on file filename0. Hence - presence of filename0 indicates last file has been reached at least once.

        See Also:Constant Field Values


        public static final java.lang.String ALWAYS_WRITE_ACCESS

        "on" enforces all queries to run in as Write (Write Transaction). Overrides never.write.access and conditional.write.access. If no access modifiers are set read/write mode is controlled by the URL.

        See Also:Constant Field Values


        public static final java.lang.String NEVER_WRITE_ACCESS

        "on" enforces all queries to run without enclosing Transaction. Itf the query should need to wtrite the transaction and model must be opened inside query. Overrides conditional.write.access. If no access modifiers are set read/write mode is controlled by the URL.

        See Also:Constant Field Values


        public static final java.lang.String CONDITIONAL_WRITE_ACCESS

        States queries to be run as Write (Write Transaction). Given as a list of query schemata and/or query functions. A query function is identified by "querySchemaName.queryFunctionName". A query schema is specified by "querySchemaName" or "querySchemaName.*" and implies write mode for all functions in the schema. All query functions not marked as write will be run without enclosing transaction. If no access modifiers are set read/write mode is controlled by the URL.

        See Also:Constant Field Values


        public static final java.lang.String INCLUDE_EDM_FUNCTIONS

        If set to "on" includes the LoginServlet functions in a query schema. These functions are "login" "logout", "setOptions" etc ...

        See Also:Constant Field Values


        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_QUERY_URL

        If set used as "shortcut" in the webservice URL for "/rep/mod/QEX/QuerySchema/" part. Typically set to "/myservice/". Note leading and trailing slashes. Works in companionship with #DEFAULT_QUERY_PATH. Has no effect if not both are set.

        See Also:Constant Field Values


        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_QUERY_PATH

        If set used as for "rep/mod/QEX/QuerySchema" part when using shortcut for webservice. Typically set to "/MyRepository/MyModel/QEX/MyQuerySchema/". Note leading and trailing slashes. Works in companionship with #DEFAULT_QUERY_URL. Has no effect if not both are set.

        See Also:Constant Field Values


        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_LOGIN_GROUP

        If set used as for group part of login if not given by user

        See Also:Constant Field Values


        public static final java.lang.String ENFORCE_LITERAL_ENCODING

        If set assume literal style option (option_xxxxx) always given in URL

        See Also:Constant Field Values

    • Constructor Detail

      • WebServiceConfig

        public WebServiceConfig()