Interface EDMCheckout
All Superinterfaces:EDMContextDependent, EDMDownload, EDMWorker
public interface EDMCheckout extends EDMDownload
/** Worker that offers the checkout operation. Refer to the EDMassist documentation for an explanation of checkout.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods
Modifier and Type Method and Description java.lang.String
Retrieve the dataset name for this checkout/checkinlong
Retrieve the assigned lock protection for this checkoutjava.lang.String
Retrieve the checkout/checkin method name for this checkout/checkinvoid
setDatasetName(java.lang.String s)
Set dataset name for this checkout/checkinvoid
setLockProtection(long s)
Set lock protection for this checkout/checkinvoid
setMethodName(java.lang.String s)
Set method name for this checkout/checkinMethods inherited from interface edm.edom3.EDMDownload
getSchemaName, getShortNameFile, setFilterBuffer, setSchemaName, setShortNameFile, setStringEncodingCode
Methods inherited from interface edm.edom3.EDMWorker
execute, getConfiguration, getFileMappings, getFormalParameters, getHitsOut, getIndexOut, getLogDescription, getOptions, getParameters, getResult, getSource, getTarget, resetOptions, setConfiguration, setFileMappings, setOptions, setParameters, setSource, setSystemOutput, setSystemOutput, setTarget, setUserOutput, setUserOutput
Methods inherited from interface edm.edom3.EDMContextDependent
Method Detail
java.lang.String getDatasetName() throws EdmiException
Retrieve the dataset name for this checkout/checkinReturns:dataset name, null if not setThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
void setDatasetName(java.lang.String s) throws EdmiException
Set dataset name for this checkout/checkinParameters:s - dataset name, null to unsetThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
java.lang.String getMethodName() throws EdmiException
Retrieve the checkout/checkin method name for this checkout/checkinReturns:method name, null if not setThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
void setMethodName(java.lang.String s) throws EdmiException
Set method name for this checkout/checkinParameters:s - method name, null to unsetThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
long getLockProtection() throws EdmiException
Retrieve the assigned lock protection for this checkoutReturns:assigned lock protectionThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
void setLockProtection(long s) throws EdmiException
Set lock protection for this checkout/checkinParameters:s - method name, null to unsetThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
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