


Interface EDMLocalContext

  • All Superinterfaces:EDMContext

    public interface EDMLocalContext
    extends EDMContext

    Supplies methods for the "single-user" and "fat client" LOCAL context
    • Method Detail

      • getDebug

        EDMDebug getDebug()

        Get the Debug interface for this context

        Returns:current UserSession, null if none assigned

      • reserveContext

        EDMTransaction reserveContext()
                               throws EdmiException

        Reserve EDMI for this context. No EDMI data manipulation calls are possible until context reserved

        Returns:the root (virtual) transactionThrows:EdmiException - if context reserved or impossible to reserve

      • reserveContext

        EDMTransaction reserveContext(long maxWaitMilliseconds)
                               throws EdmiException

        Reserve EDMI for this context. No EDMI data manipulation calls are possible until context reserved

        Parameters:maxWaitMilliseconds - max # milliseconds to wait for context. If < 0 use default. If 0 wait indefinitely.Returns:the root (virtual) transactionThrows:EdmiException - if context reserved or impossible to reserve

      • releaseContext

        void releaseContext()
                     throws EdmiException

        release EDMI form this context making EDMI avaiable for others.

        Throws:EdmiException - if context busy or not reserved

      • isReserved

        boolean isReserved()

        Check if this context has reserved EDMI

        Returns:true if EDMI reserved to this context.

      • startReadTransaction

        void startReadTransaction()
                           throws EdmiException

        Start (open) a new read transaction.

        Throws:EdmiException - If the method fails, or if the repository filter are unset.

      • startWriteTransaction

        void startWriteTransaction(EDMModel model)
                            throws EdmiException

        Start (open) a new write transaction on a single model.

        Parameters:model - model to reserve write access forThrows:EdmiException - If the method fails, or if the repository filter are unset.

      • startWriteTransaction

        void startWriteTransaction(EDMModel[] models)
                            throws EdmiException

        Start (open) a new write transaction on multiple models.

        Parameters:models - models to reserve write access forThrows:EdmiException - If the method fails, or if the repository filter are unset.

      • commitTransaction

        void commitTransaction()
                        throws EdmiException

        Commit (and close) current open transactions.

        Throws:EdmiException - If the method fails, or if the repository filter are unset.

      • commitAllTransactions

        void commitAllTransactions()
                            throws EdmiException

        Commit (and close) all open transactions.

        Throws:EdmiException - If the method fails, or if the repository filter are unset.

      • abortTransaction

        void abortTransaction()
                       throws EdmiException

        Abort (and close) current open transaction.

        Throws:EdmiException - If the method fails, or if the repository filter is unset.

      • abortAllTransactions

        void abortAllTransactions()
                           throws EdmiException

        Abort (and close) all open transactions.

        Throws:EdmiException - If the method fails, or if the repository filter is unset.

      • getActiveTransaction

        EDMTransaction getActiveTransaction()

        Get the current active transaction

        Returns:active transaction, null if not found

      • refreshInternalData

        void refreshInternalData()
                          throws EdmiException

        Refresh stored internal data from DB

        Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails