


Interface EDMMerger

  • All Superinterfaces:EDMContextDependent, EDMWorker

    public interface EDMMerger
    extends EDMWorker

    Class EDMModelMerger
    • Method Detail

      • setSourceModels

        void setSourceModels(EDMModel[] sources)
                      throws EdmiException

        Set source models. If you need more that one source model, use this method in stead of setSource(). If both setSource() and setSourceModels() have been used, the latter takes precedence.

        Parameters:sources - Models to use as source for merge, null to cancel.Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails.See Also:EDMWorker.setSource(edm.edom3.EDMData)

      • getSourceModels

        EDMModel[] getSourceModels()
                            throws EdmiException

        Get source models set.

        Returns:array of EDMModels to use as sourceThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • setSchemaMapName

        void setSchemaMapName(java.lang.String name)

        Set the name of the mapping schema.

        Parameters:name - Specifies the name of an Express-X schema describing the mapping between the source models and the target model. Express-X schema names are case insensitive. This Express-X schema must exist as an Express-X dictionary model in the EDMDatabase.

      • getSchemaMapName

        java.lang.String getSchemaMapName()

        Get the name of the schema map assigned to this merger.

        Returns:name of the schema map