


Interface EDMSelectInstances

  • All Superinterfaces:EDMContextDependent, EDMWorker

    public interface EDMSelectInstances
    extends EDMWorker

    This interface defines a worker for select a subset of instances from an aggregate or a model. That means that legal sources are EDMModel and EDMAggregate. Legal targets are EDMQueryResult and EDMLocalStream Copyright(C) EPM Technology AS.

    Version:3 Author: Arne Toen - EPM Technology AS.

    • Method Detail

      • setEntityName

        void setEntityName(java.lang.String entity_name)

        Set entity name to search for. Optionally all subtype instances of the specified type will be search as well if the corresponding option bit is set. If you are searching an aggregate this field has no effect!

        Parameters:entity_name - the name of the entity that defines the actual instance type to query. Entity names are case insensitive.

      • getEntityName

        java.lang.String getEntityName()

        Retrieve current entity name for model search

        Returns:current entity name for model search

      • getAttributes

        java.lang.String getAttributes()

        Get the attributes / column names to include in query

        Returns:comma-separated list of attributes

      • setAttributes

        void setAttributes(java.lang.String s)

        Set the attributes / column names to include in query, null = all

        Parameters:s - comma-separated list of attributes

      • setStartIndex

        void setStartIndex(int start_index)

        Define start index range in total set

        Parameters:start_index - where to start, first=0

      • getStartIndex

        int getStartIndex()

        Get start index range in total set

        Returns:start_index where to start, first=0

      • setMaxHits

        void setMaxHits(int max_hits)

        Define max number of members in result set

        Parameters:max_hits - for range

      • getMaxHits

        int getMaxHits()

        Retrieve current value for max hits

        Returns:current value for max hits

      • setCondition

        void setCondition(java.lang.String condition)

        Set filter condition for instances. All instances of the specified type in the specified model will match an empty condition, i.e. the < condition > argument set to NULL

        Parameters:condition - any legal symbolic Express-X logical expression.

      • getCondition

        java.lang.String getCondition()

        retrieve current match condition

        Returns:condition string

      • setSorting

        void setSorting(java.lang.String sortBy,
                        long sortOptions)
                 throws EdmiException

        Set sorting options - single column

        Parameters:sortBy - Attribute names as comma-separated list to sort bysortOptions - :CASE_INSENSITIVE : case insensitive on strings, default case sensitive(0x01) DESCENDING : Sorts descending, default ascending (0x02)Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • setSorting

        void setSorting(java.lang.String[] sortBy,
                        long[] sortOptions)
                 throws EdmiException

        Set sorting options using multiple columns - but currently only 1 allowed.

        Parameters:sortBy - Attribute name list to sort by, the sort order is based on the order in the attribute listsortOptions - list :CASE_INSENSITIVE : case insensitive on strings, default case sensitive(0x01) DESCENDING : Sorts descending, default ascending (0x02)Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getSortBy

        java.lang.String[] getSortBy()

        Get current coloumn names for sorting

        Returns:sorting column names, null if not set

      • getSortOption

        long[] getSortOption()

        Get current options for sortgin on coloumn names

        Returns:sorting options for each column, null if not set

      • getIsObtainReferences

        boolean getIsObtainReferences()

        Get current setting for obtaining references (for instance)

        Returns:true if worker is set to obtain references

      • setIsObtainReferences

        void setIsObtainReferences(boolean value)

        Set current setting for obtaining references (for instance)

        Parameters:value - true if worker should obtain references