


Interface EDMQueryResult

  • All Superinterfaces:EDMContextDependent, EDMData

    public interface EDMQueryResult
    extends EDMData

    This interface wraps anEDM query result, in most cases this is handled as a matrix.
    • Method Detail

      • getResultType

        long getResultType()

        Get result type

        Returns:result type.See Also:EDMConstants.QueryOptions

      • getValue

        EDMSelect getValue()
                    throws EdmiException

        Get query result in case of single value - RESULT_AS_VALUE.

        Returns:query result as EDMSelect. If result type is not RESULT_AS_VALUE, an exception will be thrown.Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails.

      • noOfRows

        int noOfRows()
              throws EdmiException

        Get number of rows in the query matrix

        Returns:number of rows in the query matrixThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • noOfColumns

        int noOfColumns()
                 throws EdmiException

        Get number of columns in the query matrix

        Returns:number of columns in the query matrixThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • free

        void free()
           throws EdmiException

        Free the query , i.e. invalidate the query result and release the memory allocated by JNI.

        Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • resultIsEmpty

        boolean resultIsEmpty()

        To check whether the query matched, i.e. whether the result is empty.

        Returns:true if the query result does not ciontain any data, true else

      • getRow

        EDMRow getRow(int row)
               throws EdmiException

        Get specific row from query result

        Parameters:row - row number of cell (counting from 0)Returns:specified rowThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getRow

        EDMRow getRow(int row,
                      boolean sdaiTyped)
               throws EdmiException

        Get specific row from query result

        Parameters:row - row number of cell (counting from 0)sdaiTyped - if True, EDMSelects will be filled with exact Sdai Type of value, otherwise just 5 basic types used - double,int,long,string,selectReturns:specified rowThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getColumnHeader

        EDMSelect getColumnHeader(int column)
                           throws EdmiException

        Get column header. stringVal is name, use idVal/instval for more info..

        Parameters:column - column number (counting from 0)Returns:column headerThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getColumnSdaiType

        long getColumnSdaiType(int column)
                        throws EdmiException

        Get column Sdai Type.

        Parameters:column - column number (counting from 0)Returns:column sdai typeThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails