Interface EDMDataFactory
public interface EDMDataFactory
The EDMFactory supplies methods for creating EDOM3 objects, and is the only place you can do so. To create your own subclasses of EDOM3 object you will need to override implementation of this class as well. We do notadvise you to such operations unless you are certain of what you are doing.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods
Modifier and Type Method and Description EDMAggregate
getAggregate(long id)
Get an aggregate wrapperEDMDefinedType
getDefinedType(EDMExpressSchema schema, java.lang.String name)
Get a wrapper for a defined typeEDMDefinedType
getDefinedType(EDMModel model, java.lang.String name)
Get a wrapper for a defined typeEDMDefinedType
getDefinedType(long id)
Get a wrapper for a defined typeEDMGroup
getEDMGroup(long instanceId)
Get an EDMGroup wrapperEDMGroup
getEDMGroup(java.lang.String name)
Get an EDMGroup wrapperEDMUser
getEDMUser(long instanceId)
Get an EDMUser wrapperEDMUser
getEDMUser(java.lang.String name)
Get an EDMUser wrapperEDMUserOrGroup
getEDMUserOrGroup(long id)
Get an EDMUserOrGroup wrapper based on instance idEDMExpressSchema
getExpressSchema(java.lang.String schemaName)
Get an EXPRESS schema wrapperEDMFormalParameter
getFormalParameter(java.lang.String name, int type)
Get a parameter wrapperEDMFileMapping
getInputFileMapping(java.io.File file, java.lang.String remoteName)
Get a wrapper for a local file bound to input to EXPRESS-X execution.EDMLocalStream
the stream interface is not implemented yet. Currently the stream wrapping is only wrapping local files. Use getLocalFile instead.EDMInstance
getInstance(long id)
Get an instance wrapperEDMLocalStream
getLocalFile(java.io.File file)
Get a wrapper for a local fileEDMApplicationSchema
getMapSchema(java.lang.String schemaName)
Get an EXPRESS-X schema map wrapperEDMModel
getModel(long modelId)
Get a model wrapperEDMModel
getModel(java.lang.String repository, java.lang.String model)
Get a model wrapperEDMFileMapping
getOutputFileMapping(java.io.File file, java.lang.String remoteName)
Get a wrapper for a local file bound to output from EXPRESS-X execution.EDMQueryResult
Get an empty QueryResult wrapperEDMApplicationSchema
getQuerySchema(java.lang.String name, EDMExpressSchema forSchema)
Get a query schemaEDMRepository
getRepository(long repositoryId)
Get a repository wrapperEDMRepository
getRepository(java.lang.String repository)
Get a repository wrapperEDMRow
getRow(long id)
Get an EDMRow wrapperEDMApplicationSchema
getRuleSchema(java.lang.String name, EDMExpressSchema forSchema)
Get a query schemaEDMSelect
Get an empty SELECT wrapperEDMInstance
getSystemShadow(EDMInstance ee)
Get the shadow instance in system data model for a model,schema,...EDMRow
getXmlConfiguration(EDMExpressSchema schema, java.lang.String name)
Create a new XmlConfiguration in this database.EDMGroup[]
Get all EDM groupsEDMUser[]
Get all EDM groupsEDMExpressSchema[]
List all EXPRESS schemas in databaseEDMApplicationSchema[]
Return all the Schemas Maps in the database.EDMModel[]
listModels(java.lang.String repositoryName)
List models in the databaseEDMRepository[]
List all repositories in the databaseEDMRow[]
listXmlConfigurations(EDMExpressSchema schema, java.lang.String filter)
Returns all or some XmlConfigurations in this EDM Database.
Method Detail
EDMLocalStream getInputStream() throws EdmiException
Deprecated. the stream interface is not implemented yet. Currently the stream wrapping is only wrapping local files. Use getLocalFile instead.
Get a wrapper for piping from EDM to input streamReturns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if factory cannot be retrieved
EDMDefinedType getDefinedType(EDMExpressSchema schema, java.lang.String name) throws EdmiException
Get a wrapper for a defined typeParameters:schema - the schema where the defined type is definedname - name of defined typeReturns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if defined type cannot be created
EDMDefinedType getDefinedType(long id) throws EdmiException
Get a wrapper for a defined typeParameters:id - instance ID for defined type (meta-data)Returns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if defined type cannot be created
EDMDefinedType getDefinedType(EDMModel model, java.lang.String name) throws EdmiException
Get a wrapper for a defined typeParameters:model - model in which the defined type can be used (defined in underlying schema)name - name of defined typeReturns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if defined type cannot be created
EDMLocalStream getLocalFile(java.io.File file) throws EdmiException
Get a wrapper for a local fileParameters:file - Local file to useReturns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if factory cannot be retrieved
EDMFileMapping getInputFileMapping(java.io.File file, java.lang.String remoteName) throws EdmiException
Get a wrapper for a local file bound to input to EXPRESS-X execution.Parameters:file - Local file to useremoteName - logical filename used in the EXPRESS-X schema (rule, query, map...)Returns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if factory cannot be retrieved
EDMFileMapping getOutputFileMapping(java.io.File file, java.lang.String remoteName) throws EdmiException
Get a wrapper for a local file bound to output from EXPRESS-X execution.Parameters:file - Local file to useremoteName - logical filename used in the EXPRESS-X schema (rule, query, map...)Returns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if factory cannot be retrieved
EDMFormalParameter getFormalParameter(java.lang.String name, int type) throws EdmiException
Get a parameter wrapperParameters:name - name for the parametertype - type for the parameterReturns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if factory cannot be retrieved
EDMModel getModel(java.lang.String repository, java.lang.String model) throws EdmiException
Get a model wrapperParameters:repository - Repository namemodel - Model nameReturns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if factory cannot be retrieved
EDMModel getModel(long modelId) throws EdmiException
Get a model wrapperParameters:modelId - instance idReturns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if factory cannot be retrieved
EDMModel[] listModels(java.lang.String repositoryName) throws EdmiException
List models in the databaseParameters:repositoryName - reposityory name filterReturns:array of EDMModelsThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMRepository getRepository(java.lang.String repository) throws EdmiException
Get a repository wrapperParameters:repository - Repository nameReturns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if factory cannot be retrieved
EDMRepository getRepository(long repositoryId) throws EdmiException
Get a repository wrapperParameters:repositoryId - instance idReturns:a new wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMRepository[] listRepositories() throws EdmiException
List all repositories in the databaseReturns:array of SdaiRepositoriesThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMExpressSchema getExpressSchema(java.lang.String schemaName) throws EdmiException
Get an EXPRESS schema wrapperParameters:schemaName - name for possible non-existant schemaReturns:a schema wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMExpressSchema[] listExpressSchemata() throws EdmiException
List all EXPRESS schemas in databaseReturns:array of EDM schemataThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMApplicationSchema getMapSchema(java.lang.String schemaName) throws EdmiException
Get an EXPRESS-X schema map wrapperParameters:schemaName - name for possible non-existant schemaReturns:a schema wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMApplicationSchema[] listMapSchemata() throws EdmiException
Return all the Schemas Maps in the database.Returns:An interface into a list of EDMSchemaMapsThrows:EdmiException - If the method fails, or if the name are unset.
EDMApplicationSchema getQuerySchema(java.lang.String name, EDMExpressSchema forSchema) throws EdmiException
Get a query schemaParameters:name - name of the query schemaforSchema - Express schema for the query schema (query schema name is NOT unique)Returns:a query schema objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMApplicationSchema getRuleSchema(java.lang.String name, EDMExpressSchema forSchema) throws EdmiException
Get a query schemaParameters:name - name of the query schemaforSchema - Express schema for the query schema (query schema name is NOT unique)Returns:a query schema objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMAggregate getAggregate(long id) throws EdmiException
Get an aggregate wrapperParameters:id - aggregate idReturns:aggregate wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMInstance getInstance(long id) throws EdmiException
Get an instance wrapperParameters:id - instance idReturns:instance wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMRow getRow(long id) throws EdmiException
Get an EDMRow wrapperParameters:id - instance id, 0 if irrelevantReturns:instance wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMSelect getSelect() throws EdmiException
Get an empty SELECT wrapperReturns:a SELECT wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMQueryResult getQueryResult() throws EdmiException
Get an empty QueryResult wrapperReturns:a QueryResult wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMGroup getEDMGroup(java.lang.String name) throws EdmiException
Get an EDMGroup wrapperParameters:name - user nameReturns:EDMGroupt objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMUser getEDMUser(java.lang.String name) throws EdmiException
Get an EDMUser wrapperParameters:name - user nameReturns:EDMUser objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMUser getEDMUser(long instanceId) throws EdmiException
Get an EDMUser wrapperParameters:instanceId - instanceIdReturns:EDMUser objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMGroup getEDMGroup(long instanceId) throws EdmiException
Get an EDMGroup wrapperParameters:instanceId - instanceIdReturns:EDMGroupt objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMUserOrGroup getEDMUserOrGroup(long id) throws EdmiException
Get an EDMUserOrGroup wrapper based on instance idParameters:id - instanceIdReturns:EDMUserOrGroup objectThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMGroup[] listEDMGroups() throws EdmiException
Get all EDM groupsReturns:list of group objects, empty list if none foundThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMUser[] listEDMUsers() throws EdmiException
Get all EDM groupsReturns:list of group objects, empty list if none foundThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMInstance getSystemShadow(EDMInstance ee) throws EdmiException
Get the shadow instance in system data model for a model,schema,...Parameters:ee - instanmce to get shadow forReturns:the system instanceThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails
EDMRow getXmlConfiguration(EDMExpressSchema schema, java.lang.String name) throws EdmiException
Create a new XmlConfiguration in this database.Parameters:schema - Schema to assign the XML cofiguration to.name - name of the new configurationReturns:A array of EDMRuleSchema.Throws:EdmiException - If the method fails.
EDMRow[] listXmlConfigurations(EDMExpressSchema schema, java.lang.String filter) throws EdmiException
Returns all or some XmlConfigurations in this EDM Database.Parameters:schema - Schema to search in, if null search in all schematafilter - optional name mask, wildcards = *?.Returns:A array of EDMRuleSchema.Throws:EdmiException - If the method fails.