SSP Query invocation

SSP Query invocation

Everything described in 'ExpressX Query Invocation' is applicable to SSP Query invocation, but those SSP Queries that do NOT have a target model (they actually implicitly use 'PLUGINQUERYSCHEMA_DUMMYMODEL') have the following different (simplified) call format:

All parameters and notices from 'ExpressX Query Invocation' are applicable.
Another special side effect of SSP is the possibility to publish static resources (like 'index.html' page). Just pack them in a .NET assembly and provide a function (for example 'Resources') with a single STRING parameter 'querypathinfo' – this parameter will receive any extra PATH written right after the function name, so it will be possible to load the exact .NET resource using that info. This approach is suitable for writing 'micro' html web applications inside SSP – so that the user can just navigate to the EDMWS URLs in the browser (due to obvious contradiction, this will work only with 'BasicAuth' session ID mode):

QEX/QUERY_SCHEMA/FUNCTION_NAME/Resources/index.html?EDMSESSIONID=BasicAuth & queryoptions=1