mvCreating a Header Model
mvCreating a Header Model
This section shows how to create a header model in the EDMdatabase The header model may be used to add metadata to exported STEP or XML data files.
To run this sample, you need to have the IFC2x3 EXPRESS schema compiled in your EDMdatabase. You also need to import the sample population IfcWall_01.ifc.
Add the following code block or similar to your application
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_xc_CreateHeaderModel'.
The call to edmiRemoteWriteStepFile() adds the following header section to the top of the exported STEP file
ISO-10303-21; HEADER; FILE_DESCRIPTION(('The Description'),'2;1'); FILE_NAME('C:\\Temp\\a9091-2-25','2011-02-24T10:03:31', ('The Author'),('The Organisation'), 'The EXPRESS Data Manager Version 6.02.0100.11 : 25 Sep 2016', 'The Orig.System','The Authorisation'); FILE_SCHEMA(('IFC2X3')); ENDSEC;