Header Models

Header Models

Both ISO-10303 Part 21 and Part 28 data files have an optional header section in them. This header section is stored in the EDMdatabase and may be used for adding metadata to populations exported to Part 21 or Part 28 data files. The metadata that may be specified in the header section is given by the underlying EXPRESS schema HEADER_SECTION_SCHEMA.

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When data sets are exported with header sections, EDMsix will include information about the version of Express Data Manager that created the STEP physical file or XML. If you distribute your application under EDMsixInside or any other ESLA agreement with Jotne EPM Technology AS, you are not allowed to post process the header section to remove this acknowledgement. (Ref. Jotnes Embedded Software License Agreement, section 3.4)

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Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_f_HEADER_SECTION_SCHEMA'.

The HEADER_SECTION_SCHEMA is a system schema that is part of every EDMdatabase. There is no need to compile this EXPRESS schema, but it is shown here for documentation purposes.

Note that none of the attributes are optional. I.e, to populate a valid header model, all attributes must be assigned a value. The value, however, may be an empty string. Note also that a valid header model must be populated with exactly one instance of each of the three instance types file_description, file_name and file_schema.

The following attributes are automatically set by EDMsix when the data file is exported.

  • file_description . implementation_level
  • file_name . name
  • file_name . time_stamp
  • file_schema . schema_identifiers

If you populate these attributes, their value will be overwritten when exporting data to STEP or XML files.

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